There are currently other organizations illegitimately claiming to represent Larry Hartsell and his teachings. Among these are the so-called "Larry Hartsell Original Instructor Group".

The name Larry Hartsell is a Trademark owned by, Debra Hartsell. The Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Grappling Association is a Trademark owned by, Debra Hartsell.

An example of a copyright infringement of the image on the left.
There are ONLY three (3) legitimate Larry Hartsell sites.
People commit fraud because they want to be someone they are not. It happens all the time in Martial Arts. Before you begin your training unless your Instructor is World Known ask to see his/her Certification. Who are they certified by? Is the certification out dated? Don't hesitate to ask questions.
A fake person is someone who is not genuine and will do whatever it takes to make themselves look good. They will take credit for other's work or down play the good of others to illuminate oneself.
Fake people take part in hypocrisy, lies, and will turn on friendship the moment it no longer is a benefit for them. They will change their personality to fit in to a certain group.
Be aware and be safe!
Debra Hartsell/CEO
Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Grappling Association
Larry Hartsell Seminars
Larry Hartsell Instructors Association