Our training and certification program is available to everyone regardless of martial arts style. Our certification programs include training through our high-quality instructors world-wide. We offer daily live classes, testing via Skye, Zoom, YouTube, and our Vimeo channels. We also offer private training to guide you through each level of testing. Please complete the online form to set up an appointment for training or testing. All members have access to our daily classes. In the event you wish to schedule an appointment with Debra Hartsell please establish an online appointment. Debra Hartsell owner/director of the JFJKDGA is available for the scheduling of training, counseling, coaching, and business structure.
Although not a substitute for training with one of our certified instructors, we are actively pursuing a training program to assist you in preparing for initial instructor level certification by allowing you to review, train on your own, at your own pace and be remotely skill assessed (testing) through training by video program (includes beginner, intermediate and advanced certification levels). Once you feel you are ready for instructor level certification, you may now test online via by scheduling an appointment.
Your first step towards certification is to become a member of the Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do Grappling Association and start training through our curriculum. In addition to receiving the membership certificate, you will have direct access to other members and instructors via private forums and gain access to exclusive video footage from Sifu Larry Hartsell’s personal archive. Additionally, we are always looking at ways to improve what our members have available to them.
To be on your way towards achieving your personal goals, become a member today!
Certification Procedures
We have developed a certification program that will make the process of teaching and training quicker and easier, while assuring that each person that becomes an instructor is very capable and knowledgeable of the material. You can be assured that if someone is a certified instructor in the arts and science as taught by Sifu Larry Hartsell through the Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do Grappling Association, they have been tested thoroughly and held to the highest standards.
*** Each candidate must also comply with all administrative rules of the association.

Tim Becherer with Sifu Larry Hartsell
Testing for rank in the JFJKDGA will follow guidelines in our handbook and will be based on the curriculum for each level therein.
A Curriculum handbook is available to members. We have curriculum videos available as well on DVD and for download. Annual membership is not required to purchase the videos, but membership is required to test and be ranked.
The testing process is preferred in person with a JFJKDGA certified instructor so that levels can be accurately accessed and corrections and feedback can be accurately given.
In certain approved circumstances, testing may be done by live video via Skype, Zoom, or Vimeo with a senior instructor at a $100 fee.
In certain approved circumstances, testing can be done through a submitted video cost TBD as the video will need to be reviewed by 2 or 3 instructors to give evaluations and feedback.
*paying for testing over video does not guarantee to pass to the level testing for
For testing, please fill out our form.
Tim Becherer
JFJKDGA Senior Instructor